Monday, January 25, 2010

Haircut Time

Desert Boy was looking a little unruly, and we don't have plans to take him to town anytime soon, so the other night it became haircut time in the kitchen. He finally decided it would be okay to have his hair cut, a necessary step to get him to sit (sort of) still.

I didn't really know what I was doing except making it shorter, but at the rate his hair grows, it doesn't really matter. I figured as long as I didn't leave him with a mullet he would be okay.

Ah yes, such artistry.

Desert Boy thought the whole process took too long, but at least he stayed seated. I also managed not to cut off any parts of his ears or make him cry, so I would say it was a success. It's nice not to have too high of expectations.

Here's the final result. With a smile like that, it doesn't really matter what his hair looks like, does it?!


  1. Excellent job! Vol Fan wants me to cut his hair so I told him I would shave it. Bad move - now I have a bald husband!!

  2. Yeah, the hard part is getting them to stay still long enough to actually get anything done! :D He's such a cutie.

  3. Right on: Looks good & a great smile. Good work Mom

  4. To heck with the haircut. I'm checking out the very cool old stove in the kitchen behind you, lol!

  5. You did a fab job! Move over Flowbee! :)

  6. Great job - especially for avoiding bloodshed. That's the fear that keeps me from picking up the scissors. Well, that and the fact that we're Ok to let our son look like a hippy for a few weeks until we find time for a haircut ;)

  7. Gayle, you crack me up! The old stove looks really neat, but unfortunately doesn't work so well.

  8. Get a pair of Wahls, that's how I cut my hair, takes 5 minutes and you can't mess it up ;)

  9. Great haircut. Last time I gave my boy a haircut, he tipped his head the whole time, and guess what it looked like when we were done! That, and he screamed bloody murder anytime the side of the scissors touched his ear. Still, it's better than having Mama call "the lady" to come and cut it (for $20, no less!)


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