Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mystery Hole

After visiting Hutchings Hole, we went in search of another cave, and after another long drive across the bumpy roads of the West Desert, saw something strange out in the distance--a hole. Okay, a hole doesn't sound that exotic. But just wait. You'll see.

Nope, this wasn't the hole. This was the hole next to the hole. It had been excavated by miners at one time.

The real hole was much bigger. We had to climb over a fence to get to it.

Because if you came upon this hole unsuspecting in a vehicle, it would swallow the entire vehicle.

And many more. Here's a little perspective for this hole, with a person walking on the other side of it. It has several names, but I'm going to call it "Mystery Hole," which is what our guide called it.

Part of it curves under, and a lowered rope has measured the depth at about 100 feet. The sides are very loose soil, so it's not safe to rappel into the pit. Search and rescue teams sometimes come out and use Mystery Hole to practice highlines, setting up a line across the pit and then lowering someone down in the middle of it.

Down at the bottom of the pit is an old ladder. The story is that the miners had at one time dug the little hole all the way down to the same level as the bottom, tunneled over, and then took the ladder in that way. I'm not sure what they were looking for.

I spotted a nest about 3/4 of the way down the hole, but didn't see any birds around.
Mystery Hole certainly has some mysteries associated with it. The sinkhole is thought to be formed by piping, which if I understood correctly, is when water is pushed upwards and dissolved away the overlying layers. There must have been a series of underground pipes or tunnels to help move the sediment away, but it probably wasn't anything as direct as a river. The sinkhole is several hundred feet above the highest level of Lake Bonneville.

Can you see the truck in the background? A little more perspective! If you'd like to visit the hole, you can find more info, including coordinates, in the Millard County Visitor's Guide (available in and near Millard County, Utah). Be prepared to drive a long way on bumpy roads to get there. 

Or save your tailbone and just enjoy the photos here!


  1. That's some precarious hole all right. Wouldn't want to get close to an edge. Do most sink holes form as you have described?

  2. This is so mysterious because I've heard in that hole there are people who have listened strange noises, I wish I going there because I love all paranormal things.


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