Friday, October 23, 2009

Dog Bed

We recently got Henry a new dog bed. I put it out in the sun for him to enjoy, and Desert Boy promptly went over and plopped down in it. It must have felt good on his bare feet.

Henry starts thinking that maybe he should have a chance to get in his dog bed. Desert Boy buries his head in his arms. He can be pretty stubborn. Wonder where he gets that from?

They negotiate, and Desert Boy gets to stay a little longer. They sometimes have conservations about the dog house, too, and have worked out a time-share arrangement.


  1. I'll bet that didn't cost half as much as some of the gifts you've given Desert Boy...and he probably didn't have half as much fun as sneaking the dog's bed.

  2. Love it! I have a picture of my niece at about 3yo curled up in Dixie's dog bed - sound asleep:)


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