Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stained Glass Windows in Visitor Center

For the second year of the artist-in residence program at Great Basin National Park, artist Kay Malouff was selected. She is a professional stained glass artist, and she offered to do a stained glass mosaic for the slanted window in the new visitor center.

Every scene includes many components of the park, from Lexington Arch, to cave formations, lizards, wildflowers, bats, and mountain scenes.

In the panel above she depicts golden aspen leaves, a bristlecone pine, the glacial moraine, and more. Every time I look at the windows I notice something new.

Towering in the sky is Wheeler Peak, with the foothills below, where a deer stands and a Kachina figure pictograph graces a rock surface.

Morning is the best time to catch the light through the stained glass window, as it faces east.

The stained glass windows certainly brighten up the visitor center and makes it a much more appealing place.

If you're an artist and interested in the program, here's more information:
The Darwin Lambert Artist-Writer in Residence offers visual and performing artists, composers, and writers the opportunity to live and work in Great Basin National Park. The selected resident stays in a small cabin in the park for a 2 to 4 weeks residency, starting in late September or early October. Besides the cabin, no other stipend is offered. Residents must donate one original piece of their work to the park’s permanent museum collection. Residents are also required to present one public program in which they describe their work in relation to the park and its natural and cultural resources. The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2009. Selection for the 2009 residency will be announced during the first two weeks of June, 2009.

For more information on the Artist-Writer in Residence program, visit Interested artists and writers may also reach the residency coordinator, Roberta Moore, at 775-234-7331 for more information.


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  2. Your link does not work, but this one does"

    The stain glass is very impressive.


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