Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Adventures in the Junkyard Reaches the Quarterfinals in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest!

I woke to good news this morning--my manuscript Adventures in the Junkyard has made it to the quarterfinals of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award (ABNA) contest! I quickly went in to tell my husband.

He rolled over in bed and said, "Great. Couldn't you have waited an hour to tell me?"

It was 4:30 a.m., early even by his standards, but something like that couldn't wait any longer.  I went back to bed and fell asleep promptly, dreaming sweet dreams. He went back to sleep, too, because I later heard him telling his alarm clock it was supposed to go off.

The ABNA contest was open for entries the first week of February, and they received thousands of entries. Then the entries were winnowed down to the top 2,000 based on a 250-word pitch about the story. These were further narrowed down by an excerpt of the beginning of the book to 500 quarterfinalists.

Now those excerpts are available for the public to read and review on Amazon.com. (I have the link to my excerpt at the end of this post.)

My story is called Adventures in the Junkyard, and the reason I'm telling you all about it is because the initial idea came from a blog post I did about the junkyard. So I guess blogging can have far-reaching effects! 

Adventures in the Junkyard is about a twelve-year old girl who goes down to her family's junkyard, and when she gets into a vehicle is transported back to that vehicle's most memorable moment.

Her first experience is in this 1953 GMC truck. What do you think could be the most memorable moment for it? How will she deal with time traveling?

If you'd like to learn more, take a ride over to the site and check out Adventures in the Junkyard, in the Fantasy category, at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001UG3C4Y.   Thanks!


  1. I was privileged to get to read an early draft and it is one fun read. Good luck Desert Survivor. Hope that you make it all the way.

  2. Congratulations!

    Good luck with the rest of it. :-)

  3. Congrats! I have downloaded it and am looking forward to reading!!

  4. How exciting, Desert Survivor! I've printed off a couple of copies and will email others to some folks.

    Good luck with the rest of the contest and writing the story. Have you completed it, in prep for submission?

    I hope you win!

  5. Good luck--I hope good things happen to this manuscript. It is definitely worthy of publication. By the way, isn't it "equipment yard?"


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