Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Photo Caption Contest-November

It's that time again, time to see how creative you are and to try your luck for a fun prize. Today's photo shows an interesting sign. It's just begging for a caption. Search your brain for an innovative answer, then post it in the comments below by Thursday, 6 p.m. Pacific time. Winner will be announced on Friday. One entry per person, leave your name or initials so I know who you are.

And the prize? It's the best one yet, a $25 gift card to The Olive Garden. Oh my gosh, The Olive Garden is one of my all-time favorite restaurants. If you haven't eaten there, you should try it. And if you have eaten there, it's time to go back, especially now that we're entering the busy holidays and you don't have time to cook for yourself. I'd use it myself, but it's three hours to our nearest Olive Garden, and I don't have time to go right now. 

So put on your thinking cap and give it a try! And if you have any photos of interesting signs, you can email them to me at desertsurvivor@live.com and I'll try to have a post about fun signs in the near future. 


  1. "Whoa", Western translation of standard English "stop", used for people who rarely if ever encounter stop signs or traffic lights.

  2. ps.

    also useful for horses who read.

  3. The residents of Smallsville, NV, tired of people hitting their mountains when a road actually comes to an end, give up on the highway department and try posting one last sign of their own.

  4. Growing tired of shooting the stop sign, crafty residents designed a sign with less surface area.


  5. Horsepower Deceleration Spot (for dyslexic or bilingual critters)

  6. A 2nd idea:

    Wide Hills Out Ahead


    ______________cattle guard enforced_______________

  7. Rhett Akins may, "Break For Brunettes," but I break for "Wild Horses On Apples!"


  8. Oops! Spacing didn't transcribe for 2nd suggestion. 'Stop' was below and on the right.

  9. "Calm down, Alice. We are not lost. See, there is the sign for the Wisconsin Historical Overlook Area."

  10. After traveling many hours in the middle of nowhere with a nearly empty tank, Harry and Gertrude are left with one very important decision.

  11. WHOA! Scat Tracking Observation Post (You may want to watch your step!)


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