Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Leaf Piles

Don't forget the photo caption contest below--entries due by Thursday 6 p.m. PDT.

As you can see from the above photo, our yard is full of leaves. And it also contains a little boy trying to mount his puppy. But we'll ignore that for the moment. We have trees all around the yard. The catalpas lost their leaves first, then the elms and silver poplars. The Lombardy poplars and apricot trees still have some leaves hanging on.

I raked lots of big piles of leaves. There's something a little odd about this one--can you tell?

Desert Boy has discovered he loves to be covered up with leaves. He just laughs and laughs.

Here he is emerging.

And now he's free!

After I rake the piles, I put them in the back of the truck and drive down to the meadow, where I dump them in a pile for the deer and cows to eat.

It looks like a fun pile to jump into, doesn't it? So I did, and landed on a sharp stick. Somehow leaf piles are always a lot more fun as a kid.


  1. Desert Boy apparently has learned a few lessons from his horse riding experiences, although he's mounting Henry from the wrong side. He already carries the leash around like it's a rein, so I can only imagine how he's going to be going for "dogback" rides before long. Henry isn't the most cooperative (I wonder why?), so it's been hard to snap photos, but I'll keep working at it.

  2. I knew that it was just a matter of time until Desert Boy tried to ride around on Henry!


  3. Desert Boy's blondness surely blends in well with the leaves, until the jacket emerges. Of course when he rides Henry through it, there'll be no pile left.

  4. Love the pix of Desert Boy in the leaves. That should be in a frame on the wall!!

    So cute!

  5. One of the best things about fall - jumping in leaves!

  6. About a month ago you had winter pictures. Now you have pictures of fall. Your seasons are turned around out there.


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