Saturday, August 16, 2008

Life at the Beach

A few days ago we were at the beach. Not a beach at the ocean, but almost as good, the beach just a few miles from our house at a nearby reservoir. The water level is down, so it made for good beach observing. One of the most common things we saw on the beach were these small shells.

This little shell was common too. The little girls dug in the sand until they found nice collections of shells. Then they put them into mounds on the boogie boards and compared what they had found. They spent hours doing this, with great dedication and perseverance.

Here's a dead crayfish, about an inch long, that washed up on the beach. The girls were fascinated with it. (The boys were out playing in the inner tubes.)

Not all creatures leave pieces of themselves, so we get to have some fun looking at bird tracks...

...and human tracks (guess who made this one)...

(yes, that's my sandal-tanned foot, isn't it a lovely foot?)... tracks (if you guessed Henry made this one, you're right and obviously a frequent reader of this blog)...

...and even some deer tracks. See, I got back to wildlife. It just took awhile. I was hoping to see more wildlife tracks on the beach, but didn't want to walk too far. 

And finally I get to see my favorite life on the beach--Desert Boy! What's your favorite thing to see on the beach?


  1. My favorite thing to see on a beach is myself with a mojito!


  2. Actually, last Feb. we found a live conch on the beach in the Bahamas. My hubby put it in the grandkids beach pail, and we got to observe it for a short while before returning it to the deep. That was pretty cool, and I got it on video so we can all remember that special day.


  3. I can see you on the beach with a mojito. Wish I could have been there.

  4. and what wonderful treasure is Desert Boy bringing back to his mother?

  5. ALL that water... D Boy must be in heaven!


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