Sunday, August 17, 2008

Desert Boy Has Control

Look how happy Desert Boy is taking control of the TV. Please tell me, is this a male thing that is programmed into his DNA? See that grin on his face? He is delighted to be holding the remote control. He regularly grabs it while we are watching TV and changes channels, the volume, or turns it off. It's like he realizes how much control he has with that little black stick. 


  1. This little dude has it all - tractors, trucks, a faithful sidekick dog and the remote. Thank heavens he is too young to have a girlfriend.


  2. Did you see Weds. post? Look out Desert Survivor! In a few years you're going to have to beat off the girls!

  3. Yes, there is a gene carried on the Y chromosome that makes him gravitate to these sorts of things.

  4. Of course he has a great big grin on his face, he now had control over what his parents watch! aah, such power.
    And I bet soon-to-be AM will be very pleased to see the little guy wearing a soccer shirt.


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