Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Desert Junk

It's just one of the facts of life when you live in the desert. There's nowhere to hide the junk. That's right, those old refrigerators, automobile carcasses, flat tires, and other random big things can't be thrown out behind the house and get swallowed up by the woods, because we don't have woods. We don't have enough rain to have trees grow on the valley bottom unless they are next to a stream or watered. We mostly have weeds grow up around the junk that gets thrown out. 

Yes, the junk could be hauled off to the dump, but when you live out in the middle of nowhere, you just might need that junk someday. It might have another use, like spare parts, or a place for Desert Boy to practice driving, or a place to stop the tumbleweeds,  or a good place for a cat to sleep. (Did you see the cat in the junker above?) 

Of course one person's junk is another person's treasure, and some of my favorite art pieces are made from junk. I figure it's a good way to support the environment. What do you do with junk?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting topic. Perhaps you could do a photo shoot of classic cars in your area. Might fetch some interest. ;)



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