Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Desert Boy Plays with a Friend

What's cuter than one little tyke? 

Desert Boy played with a little friend down the road. He was born in a baby boom year--we have five kids his age in town. When he gets to school, he will have a big class! I like to see how he plays with the other kids, even though he usually doesn't want to play with the kid but play with the kid's toys. These two almost look like brother and sister and they're a hoot to watch together.

When they get to kindergarten they might have to practice sharing. Desert Boy has taken his cute buddy's ball and wants to eat it. She wants it back. Neither one gets upset though, they still don't really know what to think of each other.

Desert Boy's friend shows off her pacifiers--one in her mouth and one in her hand. It didn't take long for Desert Boy to grab one. He doesn't use them any more, but it must be fun if another kid has one.

As they spend more time together, they start warming up and aren't afraid to touch each other. 

His cute buddy decides to touch some more. Playing is turning out to be pretty fun!


  1. How sweet - You just want to squeeze 'em!

  2. Desert Boy is just going to need some siblings... the ultimate toy!

  3. LOL
    It's always fun to see those two together.
    Did I mention I love this blog ;)


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