Monday, February 21, 2022

Desert Boy's 4-H Steer

I'm only WAY behind in blogging. I guess the scarcity of photos for this post compared with the post about the 2020 steer shows that, too! Desert Boy didn't necessarily enjoy the 2020 steer experience, but it was tolerable and he certainly enjoyed the final check at the end which goes into his college account. 

For 2021, he could choose any market animal he wanted, and he went with a steer again. The process starts in December with choosing a steer, and then later moving it closer to the house. With his cousin Kayli heading off to college, we built a steer pen near our house.

The steer didn't particularly want to be friendly, but over time it allowed Desert Boy to guide him around and wash him off without too much trouble.

Even the rainbow leads to the steer!

Before too long it was fair time. Desert Boy had grown a lot and was much more comfortable with his steer this year than last.

He managed a smile for mom while in the show arena. He received a blue ribbon for the steer, showmanship, and carcass results.

He managed a good smile at the auction and did well.

He is regularly spending time with his 2022 steer, which if all goes well will be a red angus instead of a black angus. I guess he's ready to mix it up a little!

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