Wednesday, August 11, 2021

4-H Dog Show with Fun Costume

As we get close to the end of summer (at least for the kids), we get really busy doing 4-H activities. At the end of July it was time for the dog show. Desert Girl hadn't practiced as much as last year, but she had done some, so we went in to Ely for her to compete. She did agility first.

Finn isn't so great on the teeter-totter. And going through the tunnels, he grabbed his leash in his mouth and played chase with Desert Girl. I was trying to hold in my laughter. Desert Girl was frustrated, but kept going.

Then it was time for obedience. She had to do a few different things.

This included walking around the sitting dog and then going to the end of the leash and have the dog continue sitting. This went better.

There was showmanship and rally (following written instructions at several stops), and although Desert Girl wasn't super pleased with how she and the dog did, I told her it was fine and she should just have fun.

Last was the costume part, and this is where she really did have fun. She told me about the costume idea earlier in the day: Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. Finn made a lovely Little Red Riding Hood.

All the costumes were quite fun. The judge didn't know how she was going to judge them!

In the end, Desert Girl was the only participant in the junior division out of about 8 participants total. That meant she got five grand champions. She calculated her prize money and chuckled. I wouldn't be surprised if we go back next year!

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