Sunday, November 22, 2020

Halloween 2020

Halloween is always a greatly anticipated event at our house. Mainly the kids can't wait to get candy! Pumpkin carving is high on the list, too. We carved pumpkins with our 4-H club in mid-October and then got a couple more pumpkins to carve Halloween week because it's just so much fun. Desert Girl tends to the macabre.

The costumes the kids chose were apropos for the pandemic. Desert Girl was a plague doctor and Desert Boy was a handyman.

I figured that there was no time like the pandemic to learn how to be a ventriloquist! See how my lips aren't moving? Ha, ha.

Not only was Desert Girl a plague doctor, but also her best friend.

I think this was a very popular costume for 2020. I had to look up plague doctors, as I didn't know anything about them. They would stuff herbs in the beak that were supposed to filter out all the bad stuff. Unfortunately that didn't really work, as plague microbes don't really care what herbs you have in your beak, so many plague doctors didn't live too long.

A modification to this year's event was instead of the inside the Community Center being our main gathering spot, it was a Trunk or Treat outside. That helped everyone keep a little more distance. Fortunately the weather cooperated.


It was fun to see all the costumes!


Our neighbor always has so much fun with Halloween. She was no exception this year.

The kids also went out Trick-or-Treating at houses with their porch lights on. They had a terrific time. One of the highlights was seeing this horse decked out as a tiger. How creative!

If you celebrated Halloween, hope it was fun. We were glad to have an event that wasn't cancelled this year.

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