Friday, October 16, 2020

White Pine County Fair - Static Exhibits

Our County Fair was different this year, but we were so grateful they had it. One of the changes was no open class exhibits, so the kids did some additional 4-H projects (they really like the ribbon money, and I like that it helps keep them busy during the summer). 

Another change was that they had set interview times, which worked out really nicely. Hopefully that will continue!

The exhibit building seemed almost empty without the open class exhibits, but it did give for plenty of social distancing.

The interviews are good for the kids to improve their public speaking skills.

Here Desert Boy explains his small engine project. The tools were a tiny part of it, he also did several projects out of the 4-H Small Engine curriculum book. 4-H has some great curriculum.

We had to wait until the next day to see how they had placed. Then Desert Girl and I went in while Desert Boy was washing and grooming his steer. She got a grand champion on Entomology. She does really well with it but hates killing insects (she feels bad for them), so this might be her last year in it.

She got a grand for her mint chocolate chip cookies. I certainly approved of them!
She got a reserve grand for her cinnamon hard candy.

And a grand for her shell collection.

Desert Boy got grands for his Weed Collection and Small Engine project.

He also got a grand for his Hunter's Safety poster. He did this in the winter, and it was so nice having a project done far ahead of time.

He also did a computer project and got a grand.

We had a lot of fun looking at the projects. They divide the 4-H kids up by age into Cloverbuds, Juniors, Intermediates, and Seniors. That's why you might see lots of big ribbons.

I'm always in awe of the quilts, as I have no idea how to make them.

Legos are a very popular category.

I'm hoping someday the kids might be able to make something like this table.

The fair is an opportunity for the kids to try out projects that they might not do in school or in other activities. I always enjoy seeing the variety of projects, and we already have some ideas for next year.

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