Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Short Ski up Strawberry Creek

 We had a good storm on Thursday, March 26. On Saturday morning, I took the kids out for a short ski up Strawberry Creek. We drove up to where the old restrooms used to be (yep, good directions!). Or another way to put it, where the turn off to the old corral that burned down in the fire (I'm getting better at this, right?).

Beyond that, the road typically gets steeper and the last drifts are there under the trees. It was a good place. We got on our skis and headed up the road.

Desert Boy was enjoying himself, eating the snow.

Meanwhile, Desert Girl was having trouble getting traction with her skis and she was not happy. We need to trade her skis in for a bigger size and one that is more backcountry friendly.

 We got to the trailhead in short order.

We were excited to see the bridge that had been replaced last summer.

The interpretive sign about Stream Survivors is still there, although the Bonneville Cutthroat Trout are few and far between after the 2016 wildfire that burned a lot of the watershed.

We crossed the bridge and headed up into the meadow.

But we soon found too many rocks and turned around. The kids weren't sad, but I was. I love a good ski, and this is a place I rarely go, as you usually have to park way down the road and then it's a long trek.

The trailhead parking wall on the east side was covered by snow, with animal tracks taking the trail in that direction. This might be our last ski of the season, as the temperatures are getting a lot warmer and the snowline is receding up into the mountains. We're crossing our fingers for a wet spring, though, as we're still below normal.
And if you want to find out just how much snow is in the high country, here's a link to the Wheeler Peak Snotel (located above the Wheeler Peak Campground in Great Basin National Park), and a camera located there. This area still has lots of snow, but is quite difficult to access until the road opens in late May/June.

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