Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wild Goose Chase...and Birds To Take Home

 After our fun two-day cultural trip to Salt Lake City, we headed to Delta, Utah for the annual Wild Goose Chase. I had asked the kids if they wanted to run this, and they surprised me with a resounding yes. I had been thinking of another museum day, but I wasn't going to turn down a race they wanted to do! (Usually their response is more half-hearted, like If I have to.) So we signed up, my husband met us, and the whole family started the 5k together.

I made a side bet with Desert Boy. If he beat me, I'd have to make him dinner. If I beat him, he'd have to make me dinner. I felt like it was a win-win for me, as I usually make dinner. He started off ahead of me and maintained his lead for the first mile, but then I overtook him. It might have been my last race to do that, he's getting fast!

Desert Girl is also getting fast. She really wanted to beat her brother, and came in just seconds behind.

My husband ran with Desert Girl.

Afterwards we took a group photo with our friend Hector, who's also from our town. He finished in a blazing 20 minutes, despite not having run for over a year!

When they did the awards, it turned out our group represented well. The first three overall finishers were from the cross-country team. But Desert Boy, my husband, and Hector all won first for their age groups.

And so did I. 

Desert Girl was delighted to win a raffle prize with candy and soda in it.

I got lucky too, and won some tickets for the Heber Valley Railroad. We've never done that, so look forward to a scenic rail trip.
We even saw some snow geese fly overhead at the Wild Goose Chase.  With all that running, we worked up an appetite, so we went out to eat, went grocery shopping, and just as we were heading out of town, saw a sign at IFA that said Chicks are Here. I couldn't resist.

We pulled in and found that there were five chicks left, just the number we wanted. I was a little concerned that the last five might be the rowdiest, especially when one jumped out of the clerk's hands and we had to do a rescue mission.

But we got them home safely and the kids are having so much fun with them. We've remodeled our chicken coop so the chickens can go in and out of the run easily (when they get a little bit older). They are growing fast, and we are looking forward to July, when they should start laying eggs.

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