Friday, August 9, 2019

Making Apricot Jam

 We've been blessed with a bounty of apricots this year. In fact, more apricots than we can ever remember getting. We've shared with friends and family, as there are so many that we can't use them all ourselves. We've been trying to preserve them, and the kids have been a major part of that this year. Desert Boy kind of likes it, "because that's what survivalists would do." Desert Girl is okay with it if we can listen to an audiobook while processing.

So far we've dried apricots, frozen apricots, canned apricots (I even bought a steam canner, which I like so much better than my old water bath canner), made apricot nectar, made apricot crisps, and made apricot jam. The kids can now do the canning on their own from start to finish (and will be entering some in the county fair). I figured it was time for them to learn how to make jam.

This year I've been using Ball Low or No Sugar Pectin, and I really like it. The recipe is simple: 8 cups apricots, 1 1/3 cups juice (we use orange juice), 6 Tablespoons pectin. Mix it all, mash it, and boil it.

 Then ladle into prepared (sanitized) jars. The funnel makes it much easier.

Put on lids and rings, then put on the steam canner. When the dial on the lid goes into the green zone, we set the timer for 20 minutes (time is dependent on elevation). 

Here is Desert Boy doing his batch. I had them each do their own batch.

The final product! They learned how to check if the jars sealed properly. They still have to make labels, then they will be ready to eat, give away, and enter in the fair.

The kids seem to enjoy working in the kitchen, and I sure enjoy being in there with them. They've done some nice cookoffs. And now we'll be able to enjoy the taste of apricots for many months!

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