Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hinckley Rodeo

 In July we headed to the Hinckley Rodeo one Friday night. It had been long enough since we had been to a rodeo that Desert Girl couldn't remember the last one (she was a baby at this one). This is a small town rodeo, but it sure had plenty of excitement. The bronc riding featured a couple people we knew, and one of them won!

I'm fairly terrified watching.

They also had some events that weren't scary, like the calf money chase. They duct tape some bills onto some calves, then all the kids chase after them.

And they're off!

Of course the calves don't want to be by all these running kids, so they run away.

But eventually the kids caught up with the calves and pulled the money off.

There were more events like barrel racing and roping, but I just had my phone so didn't get great photos. The night ended with the bull riding. Here's a view from behind the chutes as the riders were getting ready.

 And then they went, trying to stay on for that magical eight seconds. I have to say I'm really glad that our kids have no desire to do this. Having them participate in a kids rodeo  a few years ago let them see more of the reality of a rodeo. Nevertheless, it's fun to go and watch occasionally.

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