Thursday, June 27, 2019

Snowy Hike to Stella Lake, Great Basin National Park

 On June 23, 2019, we took a family hike to Stella Lake. Even though it was late June, about three-quarters of the trail was covered with snow!

Hiking poles really helped us out.

The aspens only had the tiniest leaves on them. 

This slope nearly has lots of flowers at this time--not this year!

Even with hiking poles we had some falls on the slippery snow.

But the kids did enjoy the snow, especially for an impromptu snowball fight!

Then we arrived at the lake. Some of the surface had melted and refrozen.
The kids went to the edge for a photo--and Emma fell through the ice! She flooded her boot and wasn't too happy.

We got a family photo with the snowy scene.

Then my husband and our kids sat down and took a nap!

On the way back, Desert Girl couldn't resist sledding.

I always enjoy these curved aspen trees. The bottoms are curved due to the weight of the snow pushing against them.

Through the tunnel of aspens--except it's not much of a tunnel yet!

 We didn't see many people on the trail, but the parking lot was packed!

1 comment:

  1. You may be in such good shape physically after so much training that most anyone would need a nap after trying to keep up with you!


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