Friday, April 12, 2019

April Fools!

 April Fool's Day is a big day in our house. I'm not quite sure how it turned out that way, but now the kids expect some good pranks. And they plan pranks to play on us! I started with putting tape over the shower heads. The kids shower first thing in the morning in two different bathrooms, and didn't even think about checking the spigots, so I got both of them!

Then I had "fried eggs" ready for them for breakfast--made of yogurt and mandarin oranges (peach halves work better, but we didn't have any). They liked that trick.

My husband got into the action with the cup game. He showed them two one-dollar bills. Then he put them under one cup and moved the cups around with elaborate hand gestures. He asked them to pick a cup at the end. They successfully picked the cup with the two one-dollar bills. Then he picked up the other cups, which had ten-dollar bills under them and walked away smiling.
The kids taped the trigger on the cleaning attachment at the sink, so when you turned on the faucet, it sprayed water across the room. The kitchen got a little cleaner that way!

The best part was handing out some Donut Seeds. These can be planted anytime of the year. Instructions include digging a hole on the north side of the house six feet deep and eight feet long. "In the dark of the moon at midnight, plant seeds about two feet apart. For frosted donuts, sprinkle blooms with sugar. For chocolate covered donuts-fertilize with chocolate syrup. Water with coffee...You must believe. If nothing grows, you end up with Donut Holes!" You can find the template at  --thanks!
 See previous pranks at this post.
What did you do for April Fool's Day?

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