Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Winter Raptor Survey 2019

In early January it's time to do the Winter Raptor Survey. It's done all over the state of Nevada (and probably many other states) to monitor raptor populations. We did a route in Spring and Snake Valleys. The most common raptor we saw was the rough-legged hawk, pictured above. 

The Spring Valley wind turbines caught my eye, with the inversion hanging out with them.

We celebrated when we found a Prairie Falcon.

Our turnaround was a place called Stonehouse. It's miles and miles from the nearest building. Today it's abandoned, but I can only imagine what it was like living here many moons ago. 
Watching birds is always a great excuse to get outside!

How's your backyard bird list going? We're up to 12 species for the year. :)


  1. Got a picture of Stonehouse when on a cruse down that way.

  2. Dang!..They put those propeller bird killing machines down there too....
    I hope everyone has pictures everywhere as to what the great views were in the past....Grrrr...

  3. If some folks can get together and put a metal roof on the stone house it will be around for years....
    Wishful thinking I'm guessing...
    I have $100. I'd send if anyone can get it start it up...
    Not Kidding....

  4. Well, guess that isn't anything you locals are interested in...
    Ritter hot springs has a swell owner and he gave us visitors a tour of the hood..There is a special building with belts etc. running everything...The whole building is still standing b/cuz it has a metal roof ....
    The building was used for the processing of wheat etc..
    There is another one I found in Dufur Or. last year with belts running the fans overhead.....In the hotel and restaurant....
    No kidding, I have no problem sharing $$ to keep history for folks in the future....
    Too bad I am alone out here...
    Shoot..................Shucks.....& Oh -well..


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