Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Skiing/snowboarding at Eagle Point Resort

 Our closest ski resort is about 2.5 hours away near Beaver, Utah. It's called Eagle Point Resort and we love it. It's rarely busy and the slopes range from very gentle to very steep. Last year Desert Girl and I did some new runs and found this fun t-lift on the backside of the mountain. It's now a destination every time we go.

There's a warming hut at the top of the main run, and we finally took a look in it.

On our second day of skiing, we were joined by friends. Desert Boy switched over to snowboard to be cool and we headed to the green (easy) slopes. Well, being with friends makes you improve fast, and after two runs we were on the blue (intermediate) slopes.

And then we tried out a black (advanced) run. These kids all made it!

And they passed me. I have a feeling I'll have a harder and harder time keeping up! 
One of the best parts of a day of skiing/snowboarding is that we're out side and away from screens. The kids love it. We'll have to go more. Good thing there are more storms coming!

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