Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Starting Our 2019 Backyard Bird Count

Hi! Do you like to observe birds? Want to see what's coming and going in your own yard?

We invite you to join us in Desert Survivor's Backyard Bird Challenge  for 2019. We've done it for the last few years, and the kids are getting pretty good at differentiating bird species now. All it takes is a piece of paper and writing down when you see different birds.

In 2014 we had 35 species, in 2015 we had 35 species, in 2016 we had 35 species, and in 2017 we had 36 species.

How many species do you think we got for 2018?

Here's our list:
1. Great Horned Owl (1.1.18)
2. Dark-eyed Junco (1.1.18)
3. European Starling (1.1.18)
4. Black-billed Magpie (1.1.18)
5. Eurasian Collared Dove (1.1.18)
6. Pinyon Jay (1.2.18)
7. American Goldfinch (1.2.18)
8. Cassin's Finch (1.3.18)
9. House Sparrow (1.3.18)
10. Red-tailed Hawk (1.5.18)
11. Common Raven (1.11.18)
12. Bald Eagle (1.17.18)
13. White-crowned Sparrow (1.18.18)
14. Canada Goose (1.19.18)
15. Northern Flicker (2.6.18)
16. Mountain Bluebird (2.7.18)
17. American Robin (2.19.18)
18. Sandhill Crane (2.22.18)
19. Killdeer (3.1.18)
20. Turkey Vulture (3.13.18)
21. Western Meadowlark (3.23.18)
22. Hummingbird (4.15.18)
23. Audubon's Warbler (4.3.18)
24. American Kestrel (4.4.18)
25. Mallard (4.19.18)
26. Northern Mockingbird (4.25.18)
27. Western Kingbird (4.25.18)
28. Barn Swallow (4.25.18)
29. Yellow Warbler (5.7.18)
30. Rough-winged Swallow (5.7.18)
31. Pine Siskin (5.8.18)
32. Bullocks Oriole (5.13.18)
33. Western Wood-Pewee (5.19.18)
34. Common Nighthawk (5.31.18)
35. Coopers Hawk (9.30.18)
We were delighted to watch owls raise two owlets in our backyard this year.
Well, looks like 35 species is pretty consistent for us! None of the lists is exactly the same, which makes me think each year that we can get up to 38 or 39. We've already gotten started this year, although the kids convinced me to put down chickens, and I'm not quite sure that's fair, lol! We'll keep our list on the sidebar (visible on your computer, not sure how you see it on the phone).
This post needs more photos, so
See this post for some more backyard bird photos. 

Happy birding!

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