Monday, January 21, 2019

January 2019 Lunar Eclipse

 I was eagerly anticipating the January 20, 2019 Lunar Eclipse. But then I looked at the forecast. Clouds. Possibility of snow. It wasn't looking so good! We spent part of the afternoon at the Fire and Ice Festival at Cave Lake in Ely, and it was cloudy the whole time. Oh well, don't stress over what you can't control, right?

When we got home, we had a beautiful sunset, lighting up clouds to the east. We couldn't see the full moon rise. But an hour later, the moon was peeking through the clouds. And then more stars appeared. Hurray! I started with a photo of the full moon (above). Before long, the earth's shadow started encroaching on the moon.

I really, really wanted to get an epic photo of the eclipse, mainly something in front of the moon. But the moon was so high in the sky, that made it difficult. I could get some tree branches in front of the moon and thought that looked kind of cool. 

As the eclipse progressed, the winds picked up. That made it really hard to get a low light exposure without some blur. I tried all sorts of camera settings to capture the reddish color the moon was turning. I called out the family so we could all look at it through binoculars. It was awesome!

My editing software decided not to work, so that made it even more complicated. So these aren't final photos, but since I don't know when I'll get it up and working, better to post now before I forget!

I really enjoyed watching the eclipse. 
In fact, I'd go so far to say it was worth a "STOP" to check it out! Ha, ha. 
If you had a chance to watch the eclipse, I hope you enjoyed it! If not, maybe these photos will help give a sense of what was happening way up there.

1 comment:

  1. We saw it hear, in Southeastern PA quite clearly. It was frigid outside, but worth going out to watch! You captured some fabulous pictures! Thanks for sharing them!


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