Sunday, July 1, 2018

4-H Sheep 2018

 After struggles with controlling his 4-H sheep at the 2017 County Fair, Desert Boy declared he wasn't doing sheep again. But after he got his check for selling his lamb, he changed his mind. So we got a couple lambs from Todd Holt in Delta at the end of May (thanks, Gwendy, for helping arrange this!). When I first saw them, I was impressed how good they looked already. One let Desert Boy touch him.

They are both ewes, and #144 ate food out of Desert Boy's hands immediately. #141 was definitely shyer.

Our current plan is that Desert Boy will show one lamb for 4-H, and Desert Girl, who is just a Cloverbud, will show one for open class. 

In an effort to get them tamer, we've been taking them into our yard frequently. However, they sometimes get loose, and then it can be a chore to get them back into the pen. 
We're hoping they will continue to gain well and tolerate being walked better!
4-H livestock projects definitely teach the kids (and parents) a lot, and overall it's been a good experience for us.

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