Saturday, May 5, 2018

The First Annual Old Capitol Storytelling Festival

 We received a note home from school in early March saying there would be a First Annual Old Capitol Storytelling Festival. We weren't quite sure what to expect, but they were having two nights of concerts/storytelling in our area, plus a storytelling contest for the school kids.

First off, the Old Capitol refers to Fillmore, Utah, which was the first capitol of the state of Utah. And before the state of Utah was declared, it was the Territory of Utah, which not only included all of Utah, but most of Nevada, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming.

We talked with the kids, and Desert Girl decided she wanted to enter the storytelling contest. She started practicing right away for a maximum of a five-minute-long story, and she decided to talk about camping at Ibex playa.

On Sunday night, we went to EskDale High School, where we listened to the orchestra play beautifully.

Then it was time for some stories. This night's theme was about different religions and beliefs, and I found it quite interesting.

Various speakers talked about different belief/religious systems.

One pastor couldn't make it in person, but had recorded a video. He lives in Salt Lake City and drives down to Delta every weekend for his congregation. Except when he does missions in Africa, and then he preaches via video, so it was very apropos.

On Monday night we went to the Border Inn for the last night of the Old Capitol Storytelling Festival.

Clive Romney, who had visited the schools earlier in the day, provided some entertainment.

Then the two winners of the storytelling contest told their stories. Desert Girl's teacher was so glad that only two kids had wanted to tell stories this year, as it made it very easy to judge!

Desert Girl did a great job, talking about how when we took an old camper out to Ibex playa and a window broke, Dad fixed it with "marshmallow glue." The next time we camped there, we just took a tent. The wind blew so hard that night it broke the tent poles and pushed the tent down on us. "Mom cheated and got out of the tent with her sleeping bag and slept on the other side of the rock."

Desert Girl then concluded talking about how the next day we went to the Leamington Rodeo, where she competed in mutton bustin'. She wasn't so good at it, and it hurt when she fell off, but she did get some Skittles for her efforts.

The kids got their prizes, which made them very happy.

Then it was time for the adult storytellers. Delaine talked about the Massacres in the Swamp Cedars.

Dave told a few stories about experiences around the area.

And Denys had fun relaying some family history.

It was very enjoyable to listen to live entertainment. Next year both the kids say they will compete in the storytelling contest. They have until next March to figure out their stories. For more information, check out the Old Capitol Storytelling Festival website.

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