Friday, July 21, 2017

The Warm-up Hike: To the Bristlecones

 Jenny and I had a plan: get our seven-year olds to the top of Wheeler Peak, 13,063 ft. The trail starts at 10,000 ft., so that's a lot of elevation gain. We figured we better do a training hike, so we headed up the Bristlecone Trail at Great Basin National Park. This trail also starts close to 10,000 ft., but doesn't gain as much elevation. Plus it is so inspiring to walk among trees that are over 3,000 years old.

Of course I took my camera to get some photos of the cool trees.

Each time different trees catch my eye.

Our group photo. We ended up with three adults and five kids on this hike. Everyone did great.

On the way down we even found a little patch of snow to slide in. I love finding snow in July!

Jenny got some extra strength training in carrying Willow!
Coming up next...the big hike...

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