Friday, June 9, 2017

Miscellaneous May

 I still need to post about our Memorial Day adventures, but other than that I'm almost caught up blogging for the month of May. Except for this assortment of photos. It covers the gamut, from rural life to city life, annual events to once-in-a-lifetime events (you'll know it when you see it), and a little bit of wildlife and fun kids.

The cowboys were moving the heifers at the beginning of the month, and that involves moving them right next to the highway, so I got a few shots. I liked the one above best.

The WHOA sign was put up to stop drunk drivers who kept running a stop sign and crashing into the fence. Since then, no one has crashed the fence. I like to think that the WHOA means a lot more--like stop and take a moment to appreciate this amazing landscape!

The cafe at Lehman Caves has opened under a new name, The Great Basin Cafe, and new management. We've been in a couple times to enjoy their good treats.

Even though it's only May, we got called out to a wildfire. Fortunately it was very small.

A few hours later, we were all dressed up and in Salt Lake City.

It was time to go to the Utah Symphony! They played George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, which was absolutely amazing.

The next morning we wanted to go to animal shelters to look for a dog, but we had time before they opened, so we went to the Planetarium. This bike is just outside. It didn't go anywhere, though.

They've redone the planetarium since the last time we visited. The exhibits are more interactive. This one was to find black holes.

They had the planets to scale, which of course I really liked.

I looked at this smaller part of the exhibit for a long time, as it includes moons and dwarf planets and more that's found in our solar system. There's so much more than just the planets!

Then we went for a little trip to Io, one of Jupiter's moons. The kids liked moving the rovers.

One morning I went for a run and one of my regular routes had been flooded out. Water is high!

Desert Girl just had to go to school as a unicorn one day. I helped with the hairspray. She came home as a unicorn, too, which surprised me that her hair would stay up all day. Later I learned that she had even done her part of the class exercise video with the hairstyle. I guess unicorns can do it all.

One day at work I was in the lab and got to witness mouth-to-glottis resuscitation of a rattlesnake.  It was successful. I'm not sure if I could have done it.

Even though the water is high, which means the snow is melting rapidly and the creeks are cold, we've been to our little swimming hole a couple of times. The water is cold, but the kids still get in!

I've gotten to do a little caving, including this fun cave that required some stemming. It's fun to challenge people to go beyond their comfort zone and watch them succeed.

The school's annual field day included sack races,

three-legged races,

 and long jump, plus lots more fun events.

The days are getting so much longer, so I don't see as many sunrises or sunsets, but occasionally I get out and see the terrific colors.

Isn't this a beautiful trailer? I sure would want to buy hay from it!

Here's the view from another angle. Hay is at sale at many Cal-Ranch stores in the West.

We went to get some hay for our lambs with our new au pair (live-in babysitter) from Indiana. It's fun to show someone around who's never been out West.

The curlews are back!

And even though we're on the cusp of summer, we had to go back to winter by driving up to 10,000 feet and playing in the snow. Desert Girl couldn't wait to throw snow balls at me.
Hope you had a good May! And good June. I still can't quite process that we're so far into it.

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