Saturday, March 4, 2017

Nevada Northern Railway Winter Steam Shoot - Saturday

After a fun Friday afternoon and evening photographing trains at the Nevada Northern Railway, I was ready to head back Saturday morning for more train photography. I looked out the hotel window bright and early, hoping for a beautiful sunrise, but it was overcast, so I took my time. When I went over to the East Ely Station, I enjoyed a continental breakfast and then watched what was going on out in the yard. First thing as a morning meeting.

Then I wandered along the train tracks, and the good-natured engineer let me snap his photo.

All the photographers walked down the tracks a bit, and the steam engine came towards us, passing the ice house and the bunk house (where you can rent a room for the night).

We had a photo line established by the railroad crossing.

I have to admit, I was more interested in getting photos with people in them. Fortunately the conductor was the eyes for the engineer as the train backed up to do another pass-by.

I was also fascinated by the train wheels. They are slightly hypnotic as they chug along.

The conductor moved to the baggage car.

And I found that making some of the photos black and white made the grey day fade away.

Then it was time to load up for a train trip.

We were in the women's passenger car, with neat looking seats.

I hung out at the back with the conductor. We were actually backing down these tracks, so it was interesting hearing him on the radio with the engineer.

When we got to the tunnel, we all got off and got ready to take some photos.

Someone suggested climbing the hill on the other side of the highway, and I thought that was a great idea. It gave a little different view of the train.

The train almost seemed like a toy train! They moved the train back and forth many times so everyone could try and get the perfect shot.

I came down eventually and we moved the photo line up closer to the now-stationary train.

I took A LOT of photos from various angles.

Since the train wasn't moving, we were allowed on the tracks.

Then the engine produced some extra steam.

Mark Bassett, Executive Director of NNRY, was generous sharing his train knowledge, and a lot of fun to be around.

In a bit it was time to give instructions to the engineer and then we all got on board again for our next photo location.

We stopped at an embankment where we could get some different angles of the train. Again, the skies were really grey, so I liked making the photo black and white to emphasize the train more.

I had two specific kinds of shots I wanted to get during the weekend. One was a panning shot, but it didn't quite work out like I wanted. This ended up being my best attempt.

Since that didn't work out, I didn't mind scrambling up and down to try and get some shots from angles other photographers weren't getting.

I laid down to get this one below.

Then we moved to the Lackawanna crossing and had fun there.
 This was all before a delicious lunch we ate at the station. I had already taken nearly 1,000 photos and was a little overwhelmed. It was good to recharge our batteries (both camera and human!). There was still lots more fun to be had during the weekend.

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