Tuesday, January 31, 2017

After the Storm

 The morning after one of our big storms dawned with sunny and really cold temperatures. There had been enough melting the day before to make some nice icicles.

The snow-covered trees showed that we had gotten quite a lot of precip.

The school looked sharp in the crisp air. (This was before another storm that blew part of the roof off!)

It's a good thing this little trailer is used just in the summer, because it would be so cold right now!

The church looked good in the morning light with the snow-covered mountain behind it.

And even though the sun was shining, it was cold. Oh--have I already said that? It's been a cold January!

Even the rabbitbrush had a sizable amount of snow on it!

The winter does mean some extra pretty clouds and light on the mountains, with the snow to reflect it.

And drives up the mountain usually mean driving in some snow, as it takes the plows a few hours to get out to us. Even with all the storms, it's unusual not to see a little bit of blue sky every day.

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