Friday, November 4, 2016

September Odds and Ends

 I should probably do this for every month--post the photos that didn't make it into a regular blog post. Here's September, the campout for the Perseid Meteor Shower. Okay, that was actually in August, but somehow the photo is in my September folder. Can you spot any kids still in sleeping bags? We went to the Baker Archeological Site for some beautiful dark night skies.

One of our chickens. They are great layers and the kids love having them as pets. Okay, so do I. :)

Some pronghorn were really close to the road one day and I happened to have my camera on hand.

One of the cutest hats around. This was made by the Silver Sage Grotto in Idaho.

We dried a bunch of peaches from our tasty peach tree.

Desert Boy getting a driving lesson. You can see how I feel! I'm sure he's going to turn out to be a much better driver than me. I'm okay with the idea of driverless cars entering my life.

Dentist visit! The kids love going to the dentist, which is such a blessing. They love the toys in the waiting room, the fish tank, watching movies while waiting, and getting a prize at the end. I love no cavities.

The new observatory at Great Basin National Park. It's remotely operated, which means there's not much more room than for a telescope in the orb. It looks pretty cool.

We go and say hi to the cows often on evening walks with the dog. The cows are usually happy to greet us.

I love sunflowers, and there were lots in September!
Hope you had a good September! My, that seems so long ago!

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