Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fun in Delta, Utah: Football Game, Triathlon, Pizza, and Museum

 A few weeks ago the kids and I headed into Delta, Utah on a Friday afternoon to watch the Delta Rabbits play the Juab team. Our nephew and his  cousin play for the Rabbits, so we wanted to support them. Plus, the kids had never been to a high school football game, and I thought it might be an interesting cultural event for them. Unfortunately it was raining when we got there. And it never stopped, it just rained harder. I had the kids dress in their snowsuits to stay somewhat warm and dry.

At half time the band came out. I participated in high school marching band, so I was curious to see what they would do. They put on a nice program and did well despite the pouring rain.

I think the kids' favorite part was the concession stand. They went back several times to get new treats. Here they are with pacifier suckers, which they found oh so fun. We managed to stick it out until near the end of the third quarter, and then we were so drenched and cold that we decided we better leave. We had reserved a motel room for the night.

The next morning we got up early and headed over to the West Millard swimming pool for the annual Ready, Set, Tri triathlon. It's a super sprint, meaning all the distances are really short. I participated in the adult version. Once again the swimming was my best part, even though I haven't done laps in months. That muscle memory I built competing from age 6 to 19 has stayed with me!

Then it was time for the kids to compete. Desert Boy was enthusiastic, but Desert Girl wasn't so eager. It was a little chilly, and turnout was way down from last year. Only four kids were competing. They got into the shallow part to start warming up.

Desert Girl managed a smile. She loves to be in water.

Ready, set, go! The older boys started.

Desert Girl did her laps in the shallowest part of the pool. She started with some stellar doggy paddling.

Desert Boy changed to backstroke half way through.

If you've never been to the West Millard pool, it's super nice, with a shallow area, lap area, and diving area, complete with low dive and high dive. It even has a water slide and basketball hoop.

The kids swam 100 meters. Desert Boy is almost done. Then he was off, and I only saw him in the distance for the rest of the event.

I stuck with Desert Girl, who was now doing back float with kicking, but she refused to move her arms. She's just six, but we have some practice to do!

Next came the transition. We had her towel and clothes all laid out. The pants proved to be too hard to get on, so she just skipped those.

She was pretty fast getting ready to ride.

Then she was off, pink basket and all.

The bike route was around a huge block occupied by school buildings. Traffic was almost non-existent. I rode with her to keep her company.

Then came a quarter-mile run. Both kids are good runners, not super fast, but they have endurance.

We all congregated at the finish line for the prizes.

Desert Girl was first for girls, Desert Boy third for boys (which he was not happy with and we had a long talk about being a good sportsman), and I finished third overall for women. We all won medals and prizes.

We used the Lotsa Motsa gift certificate right away and celebrated with lunch. That put everyone in a better mood!

Then it was on to a trip to the Delta Museum, where we always see something different and learn something new. Some grocery shopping and time to head  home. Another fun trip to Delta! The Ready, Set, Tri is usually held the last Saturday of September, and they have a Facebook page.

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