Tuesday, March 8, 2016


 Desert Girl turned six last month, and to celebrate we had a couple little parties. We had talked about cakes beforehand and Desert Girl wanted to have a fruitcake. We were in the city the day before her party, so she got to pick out the fruits she wanted, which made her very happy. Then she helped decorate the cake.

The weather was atrocious, with a big blizzard, but some of her friends managed to make it over. They had fun drawing pictures with her new art set.

I can't remember exactly what they were doing here, maybe dancing? Then it was time for cake. Most of the kids enjoyed the fruitcake, although at least one wasn't too impressed.

The next night we had a little party for family and tried making some fruit cupcakes along with some banana chocolate chip muffins. With the increased rates of obesity and diabetes in the country, I want the kids to see that they can still have a great time without consuming so much sugar.

Desert Girl looked forward to her treats.

Some of her cousins and other family were able to come over and celebrate, which made her very happy. It's not easy having a winter birthday, but this time it felt a little more summery!

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