Monday, December 7, 2015

Bowling Party

 Life has been a bit hectic lately, hence the lack of blog posts. I'm not sure it will get better real soon, but I'll try to post more regularly!

We recently went bowling to celebrate Isaac's birthday. The kids don't bowl very often, so they had to be taught a few things, like how to throw the ball and how to take turns. The scoring is automatic, so that made it easier.

Desert Girl was ready with some attitude.

She gave the old between-the-legs roll a good try. The kids' lanes had bumpers on them, so they scored well no matter how many times the ball zig-zagged down the lane.

The bowling alley had a wonderful contraption that let even the youngest kids roll the ball. It was a useful tool (and probably helped keep the floor from getting dented more than necessary).

Some of the rolls were fantastic. The reactions were even better!

The kids were good at helping each other and encouraging. That let the moms get in a game in the adjacent lane.

So much concentration!

It was a fun afternoon, and we enjoyed doing something different.
Thanks, Jenny, for organizing it! Bowling is a great winter sport. If only I could bowl as well as my grandmother did at age 89!


  1. Love the photos lol
    Good times; next winter activity together: Rollerskating???

  2. Amazing bowling party. Kids seems enjoyed it. Well, I am planning my niece’s birthday at one of Los Angeles event venues. She demanded tangled theme party so gathering best tangled theme arrangement ideas for the event. Really want to make her day enjoyable.


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