Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Short Fall Hike

 I could see that the leaves were changing up high on the mountain, one of my favorite sights. So we set off on the Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive, where the clouds were making a scenic landscape.

The kids and I  agreed that the quarter-mile nature trail would be sufficient to observe the beautiful fall colors.

Soon we got sidetracked by the stream, where I enjoyed the reflections.

Desert Girl graciously posed by one of my favorite trees. As you can see by her attire, it was cold outside!

We heard some tapping and discovered a woodpecker.

Before long we were back in the car and enjoying more colors. Despite the grey day, the colors were still really vibrant.

Someone once told me that aspens look like candles on the mountain.

As we descended, clouds moved in.

Out in the distance, the mountains looked like they continued forever.

We got into sunshine as we went lower, but the clouds still made interesting appearances.

Another sign of fall: turkey vultures hanging out in the trees, drying their wings. This is such a beautiful time of year!
Hope you are finding some fun fall activities to enjoy.

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