Saturday, September 26, 2015

2015 Wheel-a-thon

 It was time again for the Wheel-a-thon, a fundraiser for the local schools. Grades K-2 ride eight miles and grades 3-6 ride 16 miles. They stop each mile to get a mark and for water and a snack.

Here are the younger kids getting ready. They were so excited!

I rode with and it was fun stopping at each mile marker to play around. We also talked about rabbitbrush, greasewood, Lake Bonneville, yoga, animal bones, aspens turning color, and more during the breaks. They were a captive audience for about two minutes each time.

While we were riding north, the older kids were riding south before turning around. Here's the first group of them.

And another cluster...

And the tail end, with more volunteer parents bringing up the rear.

For some kids, getting the mark was a big deal.

Jenny was another parent that rode with the younger kids.

The weather really cooperated this year, with very little wind and no precipitation.

Willow sure enjoyed the stops. She wanted to see my camera!

We went at a nice slow pace so the kids kept going. They did really awesome. We started singing around mile 5, and they kept making up songs the rest of the way.

The next few mile marker stops. Thanks to the volunteers!

Jenny getting creative with her photography.

All of the younger kids made all eight miles! What an accomplishment.

The older kids did really well too.

Then it was time for the celebratory lunch.

Yum! This is definitely one of my favorite fundraisers. Fresh air, some exercise, and food at the end.

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