Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Long Trip

Sorry for the lack of blog posts, the kids and I have been in Kentucky and Indiana for the last while with very spotty Internet connections. That was a long trip, but before we left, we met Matt, who was on an even longer trip, biking from coast to coast to raise money for multiple sclerosis research. We had met him via my brother in Indiana who used to work with him. Matt stayed a couple nights with us so he could have a rest day. His rest day consisted of climbing 13,063 foot Wheeler Peak--not most people's idea of a rest day!

When he was ready to leave, we decided we would ride to the edge of town with him.

And then Matt was off to finish his grand adventure. He kept a blog for the trip, which is a fascinating view of the country. He was biking solo, carrying a tent and sleeping bag, and everything he needed to support himself. That involved lots of planning and some very, very strong legs and mental fortitude.

As we were driving to the airport for our trip, we passed two big (20+ people) groups of bike riders heading in our direction. We are along the Western Express biking route that extends from Pueblo, CO to San Francisco, CA, so we see cyclists daily during the summer. One of the groups was also supporting Bike the US for MS, which made us think of Matt. He successfully finished his journey--congratulations!

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