Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth of July!

 EskDale, where we usually celebrate Fourth of July, observed it a day early this year because the fourth falls on Saturday, their Sabbath. Fortunately I had the third of July off, so we could go partake of the festivities, which began at a very, very early hour (we had to leave the house at 5:30 am!). We went out to run the 5k and kids' run.

Desert Boy had decided to run the 5k, and since his last one at the Snake Valley Slither had taken 52 minutes, I asked if he would like me to run with him to pace him. He said yes, and I told him our goal was to get 40 minutes or under. He started out kind of fast so I had to reign him in. We then did jogging with walking breaks. Of course getting the camera ready produced some bursts of speed!

He really wanted to run with his fast friend Adolfo, but Adolfo was quite a ways ahead (in the red).

Eventually we did catch up! This is what a lot of the runs out here look like--hardly any people! It's been so long since I've run in a crowd that it would be a really strange experience.
We didn't manage any finish shots, but Desert Boy finished in 36:28, and we were both really happy with that.

After a relaxing day, we headed back out to EskDale in the evening for delicious food and a fun program. The kids formed packs and wandered around.

I was part of the Snake Valley Shufflers, a tap dance group, and we performed Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars. Hopefully someone got a good recording of it! It was so much fun, and so nice to perform after months of practice.

The next group up, the Friday Night Pickers allowed the kids to dance, and they were so happy.

I played the trumpet, then John the trombone.

The variety of musical numbers was quite entertaining.

It was a good-sized crowd.

The most amazing violin player!

The musical acts were interspersed with balloon games, with money in the balloons.

They passed out glowsticks to the kids, who had lots of fun being creative with them.

After the program we went to the field to the southeast to wait for the fireworks. The nearly full moon put on a show as it rose in orange majesty.

Then the fireworks started, and we were transfixed.

The kids had fun hopping from our truck to the next one.

It was a great night.
Happy Fourth of July!

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