Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Field Day 2015

 The day before school gets out is Field Day, a day of outdoor fun for the elementary schools. Enough preschoolers were there they got to have a race too. Looks like they were talking as they raced!

One of the classic favorites is the three-legged race.

And then the wheelbarrow race.

These two couldn't get enough of it.

Sometimes coordination required a mother's help!

Look who's back at it!

Balancing an egg on a spoon was also a fun race.

The preschoolers quickly figured out some strategies to keep the egg better balanced, like holding the spoon up higher.

Or using two hands!

The obstacle course was lots of fun.

And the long jump provides some great action photos.

We had a delicious lunch and then the kids went on to relays in the afternoon. It's such a fun tradition and the weather was perfect for it this year. Next year Desert Girl and Isaac will be participating officially. Wow!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! Love the ones of Isaac and Emma especially


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