Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Skiing

Desert Girl is five now, and she's been waiting for her big opportunity to go to ski school. We were hoping she could go with her friend Isaac, but it didn't work out (hopefully next year!). I wasn't sure if she would freak out or buck up and make it work anyway. Fortunately, she chose the latter and had a super time. Dressed to the nines in her pink ensemble, she joined her small ski class and learned how to take off and put on her skis. 

We set the stage by staying in Beaver, Utah the night before we went to Eagle Point. The Comfort Inn has an indoor pool that was warm and really popular. The kids loved it so much. They both got mini-swim lessons and improved considerably. Desert Girl even managed to float on her back for 20 seconds.

Being close by was especially nice since we had the time change to deal with. We could wake up about our normal time and hit the slopes right at the beginning. Desert Boy went for a morning ski lesson to improve his style and started learning how to do turns with parallel skis.

He's got aways to go, but is doing well. One of the reasons we went that Sunday was that they had free lift tickets. Eagle Point was quite busy, but busy for them still means lots of wide open slopes. We met up with over a dozen people from our remote valley who were there for the day.

By the time we picked up Desert Girl in the afternoon, she was ready to take us down the slopes. She used "pizza" most of the time. 

It was a beautiful day, and we're glad we went. Eagle Point has already closed for the season because it's been so warm. Hopefully next winter we will get more snow and skiing opportunities!

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