Thursday, March 5, 2015


 We sure haven't gotten much snow this year, but finally we got some. March is coming in like a lion, we'll see if it goes out like a lamb! We weren't about to miss the opportunity to enjoy the snow, so we packed up the sleds, invited friends, and went up into the mountains.

On the way we saw some turkeys cross the road.

We paused to take a closer look. They sure are funny looking birds.

As we got higher, we found more snow, well over a foot deep. Hurray!

The kids were all suited up to make the most of it.

But just getting up the hill proved to be difficult!

We tried out a sledding hill that had some big rocks covered with snow. And then sometimes they weren't covered. It made the sledding extra exciting (or for me, scary!).

We also tried sledding on the road, but it was pretty warm and the snow was sticky.

Nevertheless, when you don't get much snow, you're going to enjoy it, no matter what the condition is.

I love Ava's expression.

Some folks joined us on skis. The wind didn't blow at all, making it a great afternoon to be outside.

Then it was time for the all-important hot chocolate. A sledding trip doesn't quite seem complete without it!
Here's hoping for more winter adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love your pictures too! It's fun to see another perspective of someone else behind the camera!
    That landscape is so pretty in the back drop!


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