Monday, February 2, 2015

Biking and Playing in St. George

We had the opportunity to go to St. George, Utah for a few days, so we made sure to pack the bikes, as they have such a terrific urban bike trail system. A different year we had biked to different playgrounds, so the kids were definitely on board with the idea that the biking was fun.

We started at Tonaquint Nature Park and headed upstream, following close to the Santa Clara River.

In about a mile we reached Mathis Park, which has to be among the top five playgrounds I have ever been to. Really, it's that good.


Well, they have a natural looking climbing wall, for starters.

The playground equipment is unique. And high. And you really don't want your kids falling off it. I didn't mind that Desert Girl kept her bike helmet on.

Did I mention that the playground equipment was unique? Check out this skateboarder-inspired piece. I had to try it out. So did a number of other adults.

One section had some equipment for younger kids, and Desert Girl was eager to climb to the top of this by herself. Twice.

They also had these spinner cups. I got in one and almost couldn't get out, I just kept spinning around. I forced myself out before I threw up. I couldn't walk straight. These are instruments of torture. But some kids (not Desert Girl) really liked them.

Here's a view of some of the equipment from above. The rope bridge led to a little tunnel. The slide was really steep. I know from firsthand experience.

Something else I had to try was this spinning disk. As you walked on it, it moved. It was definitely good for balance practice!

Desert Girl's favorite thing, though, was the megaphone, where she belted out Let It Go.

We had to leave, but the kids made me promise that we would return. I can't wait myself to go back and try out some of the things we didn't have time for.

Later in the day my dear mother-in-law watched the kids and I escaped for an hour-long bike ride. I decided to follow the Virgin River.

The trail wasn't especially busy, and it was such a nice change from being in a vehicle.

I love the bridges!

I checked out a section of trail I hadn't ever been on, and it was lovely.

A part that made me laugh was next to a putting range, where the netting protects the bikers and pedestrians.

If you head to St. George, they certainly have an impressive trail and parks system. They have the map on their website, or you can find paper versions around town.

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