Tuesday, December 2, 2014

2014 Turkey Shoot

 The annual Turkey Shoot was reinstated last year to the community's delight. It's a fundraiser for local causes. And as much as we'd like to shoot at non-native turkeys, we shoot at targets, and the winners take home turkeys.

This year the whole family participated (although we weren't so good at getting photos of everyone). Even Desert Girl gave it a try, and although she didn't hit her target, she said she liked it.
The temperature was great, but it was really windy.

Daisy showed her shooting prowess, winning a turkey. I hope I can shoot as well as she does when I'm her age.

I think this year was the biggest turnout ever, which meant we had some time for conversation. Sometimes it was a little hard to hear wearing ear protection, but we all managed.

Here's Jenny in the 50 yd rifle. I was really happy with how I shot in this competition, with two bullseyes, two in the black around the bullseye, and one just outside the black. It was good enough for second. The lady who won first place had five bullseyes. I guess I know what I need to do next year!

Here's me looking a little discombobulated (what a great word, right?) as I get ready for the 25 yd .22 contest.

In the afternoon a double rainbow appeared. If I moved in just the right spot, the end of the rainbow was right at the target.

A new addition this year was kids' archery. They had a blast trying to pop the balloons.

Desert Boy did some good shooting.
We ended up taking home a couple turkeys (fortunately my husband shot better than me) and a couple cornish game hens that the kids won. It was a fun day and great to see folks showing off their shooting skills. And to top it off, it was a good fundraiser.

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