Monday, September 8, 2014

New Artwork and Photos Gracing My Walls

For a long time, I always wondered if the artwork I liked was "good" artwork. Maybe it was that art appreciation class in Florence or a field trip to the Chicago Art Institute that made me question if I had good taste. Finally I got it. Art is good if you like it. And since everyone likes different things, that makes room for lots of artists in the world.

I've tried drawing and painting and quickly realized that despite my best efforts, I don't have much natural art ability. Fortunately, I have some friends who are artists, and I've recently added some of their art to my house. 

And since if you're reading this blog you might share some of my tastes, I thought I'd share these pieces of art with you.

First off is a tryptych (three-piece) panel done by Kristin Gjerdset. She was Great Basin National Park's 2012 Artist-in-Residence, quite an honor, as the competition to be the artist-in-residence is quite fierce. The artist-in-residence usually receives two or three weeks housing and in return provides a piece of art for the park. Below is a print of Kristin's contribution, which is on display at the Great Basin Visitor Center. On the left is aquatic life, in the middle terrestrial life, and on the right subterranean life. Kristin captures the tiny things that are so frequently overlooked. (Click on any of the photos for a larger version)

She also did an amazing job of capturing some of the complexity of Lehman Cave.

With the Lepidoptera BioBlitz this year and getting to know butterflies better, I couldn't resist this gorgeous piece of art. You can find even more on Kristin's website.

Another friend who is an artist is Mimi Matsuda. We worked together in Yellowstone many years ago, and now she is a full-time artist based in Montana. Along with some amazing artwork of trout, she also has a whimsical series that makes me smile. The latest one I got of hers is this large 'Wildlife, Watching'. That comma placement is very important! You can see more of Mimi's marvelous creations on her website.

I also enjoy good photography. Fortunately that is one area where I feel I can make a contribution. Some folks have specialty areas of photography, and one is Kelly Carroll of Great Basin Images. He has some amazing night sky photos. I really liked this old horse-driven car with the star trails.

Sometimes you don't want permanent art on your wall, but just want to be able to enjoy a variety of views. If that's the case, Deanna Stever's calendar may fit the bill. Deanna asked me to contribute photos to it this year, which I was very honored to do. You can find the calendar at Lulu or at the Garnet Mercantile in Ely. Deanna also has lots of photos available from her Western Mountain Photography website

Inspired by Kelly and Deanna, I've added a few photos to my author website. You can send free e-cards with the images to anyone you like.

I'm curious, what's the newest art you've gotten for your house? I'd love to check it out!

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