Friday, June 6, 2014

A Little Fishing

 We decided one evening to go out for a little fishing trip to a nearby pond. The kids were so excited, they love to fish.

 We're not very good at fishing because we don't go often, but the fish were rising like crazy, so it didn't take long to catch our first trout.

 Desert Boy was rocking the flip flops. He thought it was pretty cool that we let him go to the other side of the pond all by himself.

 I thought it was cool that we had such beautiful light!

 Some birds kept us entertained, like the Brewer's Blackbird (above), as well as killdeer and common nighthawks.

In the end we caught two trout (we decided we needed different bait), which we ate the next evening. Yum. We'll be back!

What's your favorite fish to catch and eat?

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