Saturday, April 5, 2014

A New Addition to Our Family

 A couple years ago I went into the Ace Hardware store and was bewitched by the sound of chirping chicks. I wanted to take some home with me immediately, but common sense eventually prevailed and I knew I wasn't ready. Last year we decided to wait one more year. All winter long we were waiting for the moment to get chicks, and it has finally come! We now have Chris, Martin, and Luna, joining us.

The kids are mainly in charge of feeding them and giving them clean water. We've been surprised just how much these tiny creatures eat.

Right now they're living in our laundry room, but it won't be too long before they transition outside.


  1. Ummm...

    Chris? (well, I can kind of get that, I guess) Martin? Maybe it doesn't matter so much if _you_ tempt fate, given where you live vs. the DC suburbs.... :)

    I'm sure you will love your chickens. We love our ladies: Stella, Rica, Rhody, Natasha, and Bumblebee.

    What breeds did you get?

  2. I sure am hoping they're all hens! The kids had free rein to name them, and Desert Boy chose to honor characters in Wild Kratts, Chris and Martin. Desert Girl chose Luna because she just liked that name.

    They are "Bantam assorted" so I'm not sure what they are!

    That's so cool you have some, A. What kind are yours?

  3. Neat! They had eggs hatch in kindergarten, It was a hit every year, It was a partnership with some farm group. Enjoy!

  4. What a fantastic picture of Desert Girl! Charlotte, Patrice, Cinderella and Henrietta joined our house last year and they have been a lot of fun. With only four, we still have a surplus of eggs. Enjoy!

  5. We've got a Rhode Island Red (creatively named Rhody, right?), 2 Easter Eggers, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, and 1 Golden Comet.

  6. Your kids are so cute! I really enjoy seeing your blogs.


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