Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Winter Carnival

 The local schools hold a winter carnival to raise money, and this is definitely a win-win proposition. Somewhere to go on a winter night, delicious food, fun games, and lots of prizes. You can see how excited Desert Girl was to go (in her new flower hat).

 The theme was year of the horse, and I enjoyed seeing the horse drawings from the first and second graders.

 For the adults, one of the big events of the night is Bingo. There are some very competitive players (even though it's rather hard to be competitive in Bingo!).

Bingo draws out people I hadn't seen in awhile!

 The face painting booth was very popular. Somehow I didn't manage to get photos of my kids with their faces painted, but they looked great.

What a beautiful butterfly!

 The photography booth, where you choose your own costume, was also very popular. It was fun seeing some of the adults give it a try!

 I haven't been around that many people in awhile, and it sure felt chaotic! We were glad to be running a booth in the corner, where we could go hide once in awhile. Our winter evenings are usually quite calm--or I guess some people might call them boring, but with little kids around, I don't think it's ever boring! Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun to get out of the house. Plus the school raised over $2,000.

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