Monday, January 20, 2014

Unexpected Bounty

A high pressure has settled in over much of the western United States, which means sunny skies and 50 degree temperatures in the high desert. We are enjoying it! Today we cleaned some of the garden, and much to our surprise, found some carrots have been growing in the warmer winter temperatures. Yum, fresh local veggies in winter!


  1. grandma b has plenty of carrots in her garden as I was unable to get them out of the ground before the 1st freeze. she was indifferent.

    I still have some left that I use in salad and soup. Can't beat the taste!

  2. Nothing beats things grown in your own garden!

  3. Don't you love those unexpected surprises! Yum!

  4. Mmmmm. I made some carrot & cauliflower soup today--those carrots would have made it even better!


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