Sunday, January 26, 2014

Outside Time

 We recently went to one of Desert Girl's friend's houses for a birthday party, and with the weather being so mild, enjoyed playing around in the yard. Even Jenny got into the swing of things. (sorry, I couldn't resist!)

 The kids thought the tire swing was the best.

 The birthday girl. She was content with short sleeves.

 The moms got into the action, and the dogs were so grateful!

 Desert Girl's time on the tire swing.

 They also had a large rope tied to the tree that was fun for all.

 Ava discovered she could climb a tree.

 So Desert Boy followed.

 Later they discovered the bar swing and developed some tricks. I was a little scared, but they weren't. I think they're getting ready for the circus.

What a fun birthday party!

We're ready for some precipitation, it's been so dry here! But we'll try to enjoy the warm weather as much as we can.


  1. Seguro que siempre recordará sus fiestas de cumpleaños cuando sea mayor. Es tan maravilloso vivir la niñez con felicidad y con una hermosa familia como la vuestra...
    Muchas felicidades, a todos vosotros...

  2. Haha ~ you got some great photos :) Thanks for sharing.


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